Half Binding in Goatskin and Aspen Wood
I love restoring books, but there is a unique pleasure in taking basic elements such as leather wood and paper and creating something beautiful from design to completion. This book nods to several eras of bookbinding history; the wooden, laced-on cover boards were common in medieval times, and the unfinished page edges have an ancient feel. The half-binding style, with leather corners and spine, became popular in the 17th century, while Pyrography, or wood burning, has been practiced on some level for all of recorded history, becoming popular in its current form in the early 20th century. The tree of life design burned into the aspen wood cover has deep personal meaning for me as an artist—Proverbs 13:12 says a longing fulfilled is a tree of life, and Psalm 1 speaks of the soul being like a tree planted by streams of living water. With solid wood covers, high quality goatskin leather spine and corners, and soft, thick, Fabriano Rosapina pages, this book is sure to be a treasured keepsake.